Airline Flight Blues
Greg travelled a lot for work. This month, his travel plans included five stops in both international and US locations. Unfortunately, fortune didn't favor him this month...Determine the order of his original flight schedule, the order of his actual schedule, and the unplanned cities where he ended up staying overnight between flights.
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Holiday Pies
Each year during the holiday season, many of the local charity groups sponsor annual events to raise money. Each event always has a bake table for sweet treats....Determine the full name of Martha and her friends, the type of pie each made, the charitable organization each donated the pie to, and the event that each group sponsored.
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Audio Book Commute
During their daily commute to work, five people listen to fiction audio books. Each one prefers a different genre. Due to the constraints of their cars, they listen to the books in a variety of ways....Determine the full name of each commuter, the title and genre of each book, and in what format each listens to their audio book.
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Changing Orders
Four friends met for dinner last night at a favorite local restaurant. They had an enjoyable evening of excellent food and good company. But as it happens, each person ordered an item off the specials menu then asked for one thing.....Determine the full name of each friend, what each friend ordered off of the specials menu, and what was removed from each dinner plate and what was added.
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Apples All Around
It's apple season and five friends went apple picking last weekend at the Sleepy Hollow Orchard, a local orchard where you can buy a bag and then pick your own apples. It was a beautiful day and the friends had a fine time...Determine what each friend's favorite type of apple was, how many bushels each friend picked, what each friend's fastest time was for picking a bagful, and how many apples each friend ended up eating while they picked.
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Rooms to Decorate
Four friends took an interior decorating class together, all with great plans to redo one room in their respective houses. By some twist in fate....Determine the name of each friend, what room each planned to redo, and what would be the main colors and theme of each redone room.
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Swimsuit Contest
To add a little fun to the sweltering summer heat, Bella’s Bath and Body Boutique in downtown Millersville announced that they were sponsoring a swimsuit contest. Prizes would be awarded to the winners and judging would be held the following weekend....Determine the full name of the five winning contestants, the color of each winner’s bathing suit, if the winners wore a 1-piece suit or a 2-piece, and what place each won.
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Crazy Cotton Candy
The carnival has come to town! For the holiday weekend, a traveling carnival has come to Millersville for the long weekend. Friday night, five friends got their parents to drive them to the carnival for the evening. Meeting up by the roller coaster, the five friends spent the night riding rides, playing games, and eating carnival food....Determine the full name of each friend, what cotton candy flavor each ordered, and what color cotton candy each received.
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A Puppy for Mike
For Mike’s birthday, his parents brought him to a dog breeder and told him he could pick one puppy from the litter. There were four dogs in the litter, each with different markings and....Determine the name of each puppy, what color collar each wore, the markings of each puppy, whether each puppy was male or female, and what each puppy’s favorite treat was.
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TV Night
Five friends were chatting one night and discovered that each of them has a favorite TV show that airs one night during the week...Determine the full name of each friend, the genre their favorite show is in, the night each show airs, and the channel the show airs on.
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Monday Night Homework
On Monday night, Billy’s homework included assignments in five major subjects. He spent all evening before bedtime working on papers, problems, and labs. He did succeed in finishing all his assignments before crawling into bed and was pleased...Determine the full name of Billy’s teachers, what subjects Billy had homework in, and what he got for a grade on each assignment.
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Arcade Time!
For Tim’s birthday, his mother brought him and three friends to the local arcade for an evening of fun and games. The boys spent the evening competing with each other for the highest scores on their favorite arcade games, all of them classic older games....Determine the full name of each friend, each friend’s favorite arcade game, and the game on which each friend achieved the highest score.
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Worldscapes Convention
The Worldscapes Convention, the premiere gaming, science fiction, and fantasy event of the year, takes place this month! By land, sea, and air, people flock to Indianapolis at this time each year to experience four packed solid days of gaming, science fiction, and fantasy in all its forms including...Determine the full name of each friend, how long each friend is staying in the area, the way each friend traveled to the convention, and each friends’ special passion.
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Friday Night Bowling
Four couples bowl every Friday night in the Millersville Couples-Only bowling league. They’re about halfway through the first half of the winter season, and competition is starting to get fierce for placement. Each night, the couples bowl three games...Determine the first names of each couple, the number of points they won on Friday night, and each couple’s team name.
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School Bus Stop
Sally and the other four kids on Forest Street all ride the same bus to school. When the bus picks them up, it picks up the kids on the right side of the street, turns around at the end, and then picks up...Determine the full name of each kid, the order in which they were picked up, the house number where each kid lived, and the extra item each carried that day.
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Snow Storm!
It snowed last night! Four couples woke up to a winter wonderland this morning. Due to the high winds during the storm, the snow drifted as it fell. The plows were out early but still...Determine the full name of each couple, how much snow they got form the storm, and what time the road they lived on was plowed out.
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Winter Olympics
This year, February heralds the start of the Winter Olympics. As well attended as always, with marvelous athletes from many different countries, the Winter Olympics were held successfully in the northern reaches of Canada. The weather was cold, but clear...Determine the full name of each of these extraordinary athletes, how many medals each won, the country each represented (one was Russia), and the total number of medals each of these countries took home.
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Ice Sculpture Art Show
As part of the New Year’s Festival, Millerstown featured an art show of ice sculptures on the town green. The sculptures ranged in size from that of a lap dog to an enormous block of ice featuring a complete castle with a dragon hovering over it.....Determine the full name of each winner, the award each won, and the subject of the sculpture of each winner.
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New Year’s Eve Activities
Four couples each had different plans for celebrating New Year’s Eve. Each attended a different event...Determine the full name of each couple, the event they planned to attend, and the errand they made on the way.
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New Year's Eve Events
Four couples went out to local New Year’s Eve events. Some went to a friend’s place and the couple who went the furthest away joined in with the nearest city’s fireworks extravaganza...Determine the full name of each couple and the event they went to for New Year’s Eve.
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Singles Dance Night
The local Singles Club had a special Dance Night event last Friday evening. Each person was matched at random with a different dance partner every hour and every hour the style of ballroom dancing changed. By midnight...Determine the full names of each couple planning a second date and the style of dance that they danced to when they were partnered with each other.
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Holiday Party
Last Friday night, four couples met at a friend's home for an evening of companionship and entertainment to celebrate the coming holidays. The meal was pot luck style...Determine the name of each couple, the time they arrived, and what dish each contributed to the pot luck supper.
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Flying to Europe
Five American couples headed to Europe this week for a two-week vacation. While their flights all left from New York on the same day, each couple’s flight left at a different time...Determine the full name of each couple, what US state each couple lived in, and the flight number and departure time for each couple’s flight.
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Lottery Winners
The MegaMillions Lottery was a sponsored lottery in which 13 different states participated and a winning ticket hadn’t been drawn in several months. Finally on Wednesday night, the MegaMillions jackpot was won....Determine the full name of each winner, what state each winner lived in, and what each planned to do first with their winnings.
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Raking Leaves
Alex looked at the fallen leaves blowing around the yard last week and had a great idea. He went around to all the neighbors, offering his raking services to clean up their yards...Determine the last name of each neighbor who hired him, what street each lived on, what day he worked for each neighbor, and how much each neighbor paid him.
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Chips to Go!
Sam works in a convenience store off the highway on weeknights. Generally, Tuesday nights are pretty slow and Sam has plenty of time to read. Tonight however, he’d had a steady flow of customers since his shift started four hours ago. He suddenly realized that his last five customers had been a bit odd too...Determine the color and type of each car used by Sam’s last five customers, the kind of drink each bought, and the flavor of chips each bought.
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Morning Bagels
Bagel Alley, the local bagel shop, was always a location of furious activity during the morning commute as people stopped by to get their coffee and bagel on the way to work. Fresh made on site each morning, the bagels were highly popular and the fact that the shop also had great coffee...Determine the name of each coworker, what kind of bagel with its topping, and what flavor and size of coffee each ordered.
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Cooking Class
A new cooking class, part of the adult education program, started on Monday night at the local high school. Skip, the class teacher and a professional chef, was bubbling over with enthusiasm for his new class...Determine the full name of each person, one of their favorite seasonings and the favorite recipe each made with that seasoning.
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A Day at the Zoo
One day early this month, five mothers each brought their only child for a day at the zoo. The children had a glorious time together watching the different animals. Some were even brave enough to try petting and feeding the animals in the petting zoo area. Each child discovered however, that there was one animal that they particularly liked and one that each really didn't like. The peculiar part is that these likes and dislikes of the children....Determine the full name of each child, each child's favorite and least favorite animals, and the snack each child chose.
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Open Mike Night
Every Friday night is open mike night at Gabriel’s Tavern. Gabriel had started it many years ago to give his Friday night business a boost and it had grown to become a very successful and respected event. Bands, comedians, singers, the event drew talented people from all areas of entertainment, hoping to make a name for themselves. Talent scouts from the city had even started attending the event because of the quality of entertainers that Gabriel’s open mike night attracted....Determine the name of each band, the full name of each band’s lead singer, and the number of members in each band.
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Photo Field Trip
The photography club went on a photo outing last week to take advantage of the fall foliage. The weather was perfect and the countryside was beautiful. On this trip, they were experimenting with both digital and 35 mm cameras...Determine the full name of each photographer, the type of camera they used, and what two subjects each used to take their pictures.
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Golf Match
Four friends participated in a golf match to help raise money for a local charity. The competition between them was steep and each played one of the best games of his life. During the 18-hole match, each friend played...Determine the full name of each golfer, the hole number for each poor shot and each hole-in-one, and their final scores.
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Little League Baseball
Little League baseball is in full swing now and tomorrow night’s game features the local favorites, the Tigers, against their returning rivals, the Cubs, from the next town over. For the players’ parents, anticipation was high for an excellent game....Determine the name of these five players, the names of their parents, the position each played on the field, and the number on each player’s uniform.
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Bees Buzz!
Mrs. Adams took her 4th grade class outside yesterday for their science lesson because it was such a beautiful day out. The day’s assignment was to draw or sketch something in the natural world, that they had observed while outside during class. Five of her students decided to draw bees....Determine the full name of each budding artist, the type of bee each student drew, and the order in which the students turned in the assignment.
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Bowling Tournament
Last weekend was the men’s annual bowling tournament, an event of competition and fun for the local townspeople. This year, excitement ran high as five contestants bowled neck and neck for the championship...Determine the full name of each bowler, their high score, and how many points each won.
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Circus! Circus!
The circus is in town! Four families got tickets for a day of fun under the big top. Each family brought a different number of children and each family...Determine the full name of each couple, how many children each had, and what each family's favorite act was.
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Yard Work
Spring is in the air! Peter and four of his friends decided to make the best of the warm weather to earn some money for their summertime projects...Determine the full name of each boy, the street name each chose to work on, the number of homes each boy worked for, and how much money each boy earned.
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Lunch Time
Four friends met one day for lunch at their favorite diner. Each ordered a sandwich, one side dish...Determine the full name of each person and what they had for lunch.
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Veterinary Blues
A busy veterinarian had a full day of appointments with various people and their pets. However, his secretary was having a bad day. The computer crashed and they had to piece together who came in when...Determine the full name of each pet owner, the name of the pet, what kind of pet, and what time their appointment was.
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Garden Plans
Spring is in the air and four garden enthusiasts are eagerly making their plans for their spring planting. Each gardener is planning one large garden planned for vegetables and...Determine the full name of each gardener, what new vegetable and flower will be grown, and which day each plans to break ground.
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Character Adventures!
Jack and four friends met Friday night for their weekly game night. Their current gaming sessions have them involved in a role-playing adventure in a Dungeons & Dragons fantasy world of sword and sorcery...Determine the full name of each player, the type of each character they played, the class of each character they played, and the name of each character they played.
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Monopoly Madness
Sara and her siblings were playing Monopoly before dinner yesterday. They all got to pick their favorite game piece before starting and thankfully, everyone's favorite was different! During the game, each managed to build on their best property before...Determine the name of the players, what their best property was, how much they built on it, and which game piece is each player's favorite.
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Ages and New Years
Five women from around the United States meet each New Year's Eve in New York City to join in the festivities, watch the ball drop in Times Square, and welcome in the New Year with laughter and friendship. This year, a random comment from someone nearby got them talking about ages...Determine the full name of each woman, what city each lived in, how old each would be on the first of the New Year, and how long until each celebrated her next birthday (from two months to eight months).
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New Year's Resolutions
It's traditional on New Year's Eve to announce your New Year's resolutions, those things that you're going to do better or more of during the new year. The four couples who met at Mark's place for New Year's Eve made no exception to this tradition. Each couple announced their resolutions for the New Year....Determine the full name of each couple and the New Year's resolution each couple announced.
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Summers End Camping
This weekend, Larry and four of his high school friends celebrated the end of summer with a final camping trip before they all headed to different colleges. They decided to camp at their favorite campground, reserved a campsite, and loaded up the truck with supplies...Determine the full name of each friend, the extra food and entertainment items that each carried, and the college each friend attended.
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4th Grade Project
Mrs. Clark's 4th grade class has a project due on Monday. Four of her students had final touches to add to their projects over the weekend and asked their parents to assist in procuring the materials needed. Most of the items were easy to find but some....Determine the full name of each student, the topic of their project, and the final material each needed to complete the project.
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Dance Routines for Mothers
Samantha habitually exercised with a group of other mothers from her town. Their latest idea was to create a group dance to add some spice to their usual exercise routine. To make it extra challenging, each mother got to choose a song to create a dance routine with a special dance step. Each week a different mother picked the song and led their dance creation. After just a couple weeks, they were having so much fun they decided that a special prop should be added to each routine too! Determine the name of the next five mothers to create their dance routine, the song title and artist chosen, the dance step featured, and the prop each picked.
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Laudromat Tripping
Charlie went to the laundromat with his regular weekly wash yesterday. He nodded to the other regulars when he walked in and put his laundry on. But then he decided to be different. Instead of heading out for a bite to eat, he stopped to talk to the other regulars that were waiting around for their laundry to run...Determine the first name of each regular, the number of laundry loads each was doing that day, each one's favorite shirt, and what kind of trip each was taking.
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Small Group Sessions
During a personal growth training event, everyone was assigned a partner for the weekend and also assigned to a small group of five people. Partners were not together in each small group...Determine the names of five partners and the team name of each partner's small group.
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New Year's Eve Dinner Party
Four couples, all friends, gathered at one couple's home to celebrate the arrival of the New Year with an evening of conversation and laughter. For dinner, they planned for potluck and so everyone brought an entrée and beverage....Determine the name of each couple, what dish each contributed to the potluck supper, and what type of beverage each brought.
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Mountain Cabin Weekend
Even though they were a little late for fall colors, five couples decided to go camping together in the mountains for the final outdoors trip before the approaching winter came to stay. In deference to the colder temperatures at night, they decided to rent cabins this time instead of camping in tents. Each couple arrived at the mountain camp site...Determine the full name of each couple, what time each arrived on Thursday (from 10:00am to 11:30am), and the color of each couple's car.
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Cabins for Rent
Five couples decided to camp in the mountains for their last camping trip of the season before winter settled in. In deference to the chillier weather, they rented cabins this time instead of camping out in tents. They were able to rent five cabins in a sheltered area of the campgrounds and each couple commandeered one of the cabins as they arrived on Thursday...Determine the last name of each couple, the cabin number each couple took, the main entrée each brought to cook, and what time each couple left.
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Keep on Trucking Diner
Harriet worked in the Keep on Trucking Diner, a small establishment off the Interstate highway that, not surprisingly, catered to the constant stream of long-haul truckers that streamed by on the highway. As truck stops go, it was small but it had the basics – food, gas, and bathrooms - that the truckers needed and since the food was definitely above average for a highway diner, they were a popular stop and always busy...Determine each trucker's full name, the color of each truck cab, the load each was carrying, and the name of the trucking company each worked for.
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Women's Golf League
Donna and four of her friends are a team in the Fair County Women's Golf League, which draws teams from Millersville, Campton, and the other towns within the Fair County region. As it happens, Donna and her team mates are all from Millersville and have a pretty good rating so far this season. Last night, however, wasn't one of their better nights as each of them got really stuck in a sand or water trap....Determine the full name of each friend, the hole number where each got caught in the trap, and the order of rank within the team.
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Gadgetworks Security
The Gadgetworks, Inc. security team included six people who were stationed in the two security centers, nicknamed Thelma and Gracie. These six security personnel cover the three different shifts each day, two guards per shift (one at each control center) to provide 24/7 security monitoring and to coordinate the rest of security...Determine the full name of each security guard, which security center each one was posted at this week, and which shift each was assigned to this week.
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Lunchtime Birthdays
Four friends met for lunch in the cafeteria yesterday. They hadn't seen each other in quite awhile and were eager to meet and catch up. During the course of their conversation, Diane noted that Henry's birthday was the following Saturday and that would be a great time to meet up again...Determine the full name of each friend and the month and day of each one's birthday.
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Spring Garden
Donna decided she needed a garden. Over the winter she had bought and moved into her very first house and now that spring was here, of course she needed to plant a garden in her very first back yard! After some research, she decided on two gardens...Determine what time she got home from work each day, what flower and vegetable she planted when she got home, and which day of the week each planting took place.
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Planting Season
Planting season had arrived – winter's snow was almost gone, the first buds were coming out on the trees, and lawns were turning bright green with new grass. Farmer John woke up this morning to birdsong and decided it was time to get the season's planting underway.....Determine the day of the week that he planted each field, the field's name, what type of crop he planted, and how long he spent planting it.
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Repainting Project
Matt and Sue visited the paint shop last week to order paint for their new project. After fifteen years, they've decided that they're tired of white walls and so are going repaint five rooms in their house. The paint has arrived, the walls have been cleared in each room, and they've taken a week off from work....Determine the day of the week each room will be painted, the full name of each helper and if they are friend or family member, and the new wall color planned for each room.
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Cars for Lease
This month, five people had expiring leases on their cars so they each went to their local auto dealerships to trade them in for new cars under new leases. They happened to be turning in a different make of car in a different common standard colors...Determine the first name of each person, the color and make of the old car they traded in, and the color and make of the new car they leased.
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A Special New Year's Eve
New Year’s eve was a very special night for Alice this year. Since her 12th birthday was New Year’s day, her parents decided she was old enough to stay up until midnight with them and watch the ball drop at midnight. This would be her first real New Year’s Eve! Not only that, but they agreed she could invite four friends to sleepover...Determine the names of each couple and their daughters, and how old Alice and her friends were on New Year’s Eve.
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New Year's Eve Travel
Five couples traveled to a different state to visit with family over the holidays. As a result, each welcomed in the new year by joining the First Night celebration in a new city with their family...Determine the full names of each couple, the family member each was visiting, and what city was each couple's destination.
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Business Deliveries
Greg delivered mail and packages to the six office suites on the second floor of the Millersville Corporate Offices building, located in downtown Millersville. While sounding big and pretentious, the building was actually the old school, refurbished into a two-story office building...Determine the name of each business, the first name of the person the package was addressed to, the Suite # of each business, and the country of origin for each package
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Research Papers
Johnny had a research paper due at school right after the holidays. He felt a little better when he discovered that his best friends also had papers due. They were in different classes this year...Determine the full name of each friend, which class subject each paper was for, and what day of the week each research paper was due.
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Stop & Go Convenience
Harry worked the night shift at the Stop & Go convenience store off the highway, at the outskirts of Millersville. It wasn't a stimulating job, but it helped pay his bills while he was going to college and on slow nights, he could work on homework....Determine the type and color of each vehicle that Harry's last five customers drove as well as the drink, snack, and miscellaneous items each purchased.
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Puzzles for Christmas
Sally was stumped. She had five grandchildren that she needed to get presents for, all between the ages of 5 and 9. She wanted to get them a learning gift that was also fun, because that was the best way to learn. She was in a store one day and inspiration hit....Determine the name and age of each grandchild as well as the topic and number of pieces of each puzzle.
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At the Opera
Five people went to the Opera on Saturday night and greatly enjoyed the show. Each person was single and sat beside strangers, although during the course of the evening each struck up a conversation with one of the people that sat beside them...Determine the name and seat number of the five people, the name of each person they conversed with, and the place each pair will meet up at after the opera.
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Writing Contest Winners
Four high school friends loved to write and at their teacher's suggestion they entered a regional writing contest. Each of them entered a story in a different category. To their surprise and delight, all four of them placed in the contest...Determine the full name of each student, the subject each wrote about, and the place each won.
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Apple Festival
Fall heralds the end of the summer and, of course, apple picking season! In Millersville, anticipation ran high this week as everyone looked forward to the weekend's Apple Festival. Held every year at the Sunny Side Orchard, the festival celebrated everything apple. There were many apple events like apple pie contests, apple dunking, apple picking contests, apple carving, and of course, lots of apple foods....Determine the full name and relationship to Sally of each family member who placed in an event, the competition each placed in, and what place each won.
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Story Characters
Sally has to write a story for her English class. To help her decide what to write for the story premise, she flipped through a book and picked out words and names that she liked. Then she put the words together to make five different story lines....Determine the description and role of each character, the action & setting of each story, and the name of each character.
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Friday Night D&D ~ our 1st anniversary!
Donald and five of his friends meet every Friday night to play games, specifically an on-going roleplaying Dungeons & Dragons game. Donald is the dungeon master (DM) for their current quest and the party of adventurers has been having some...difficulties. They managed to get through the bar room brawl without being thrown into jail and they even found the right road out of town...Determine the full name of each player, the name of each player's character, the race of each character, and the class of each character.
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Summer Barbecue ~ our 1st anniversary!
Mark and his wife Cindy decided that it was high time for them to host a summer barbecue. So next Saturday night they've invited four couples to join them for a summer barbecue feast and festivities...Determine the full name of each couple and the barbecue goodies that each couple brought.
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Summertime Fun
Charlie and four of his friends have been eagerly planning their summer since the weather got warm back in April. Along with the usual bike riding and ice cream eating, they're planning on a big camping expedition....Determine the full name of each boy, the idea each suggested, and whose home each idea involved.
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Summer Vacations
Many of the employees at Gadgetworks, Inc. take summer vacations with their families and this year was no exception. Larry Shumacher, the manufacturing manager, shook his head as he looked at work schedules for the next month. He had employees on vacation every week...Determine the full name of each employee taking a vacation this month, which assembly line each worked on, which week each took off, and where each employee was taking their family for vacation.
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Dad Goes Shopping
Dad decided Mom needed a break from the kids so he announced that he’d do the grocery shopping today and he'd bring all four kids with him so Mom could just relax for a while. The kids thought this was a fine idea – they didn't go places alone with Dad often...Determine the name of each child, what item each child was first sent to fetch, the type of pizza each ordered, and the drink each got to go with the pizza.
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Springtime Gardening
Chelsea and her friends were very excited that spring was finally here! The five were avid gardeners and had been planning their spring planting for months. Last year, they decided to add a vegetable garden as well as their usual flower beds and they were very pleased with the results...Determine the full name of each friend, what vegetable each planned to add, and what color flower each decided to add to their garden.
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Hiking in Yellowstone
Five friends visited Yellowstone Park this week on a hiking trip. They were overwhelmed at first by the sheer quantity of blazed trails available in the park's large expanse. But after looking over the Park literature, they chose a sampling of trails to try out...Determine the full name of each hiker, the name of the trail each one picked, the type of animal each saw for the first time, the special treat each packed for their campout, and the new piece of equipment each added to their gear for the overnight hike.
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Route 66
Five friends decided that for their vacation this year, they'd take a motorcycle road trip on historic Route 66, following the original route of the highway from Santa Monica, California to Chicago, Illinois. The friends all used street motorcycles but each rode a different make...Determine the full name of each friend and the make and color of each friend's motorcycle.
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Lunchtime Sushi
Five friends from Millersville car-pool to work in Campton, the next town over, since they all worked at the Campton Office Park. They would rotate who drove each day so they all spent one day driving and four days riding with their friends. Usually on Fridays, they also went out to lunch together at one of the local lunch places. This week, they went to a new place, Sushi Too...Determine the full name of each friend, the color and make of each one's car, and what kind of sushi each ordered for lunch on Friday.
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Sushi Too
A new restaurant has opened in the Campton Office Park called "Sushi Too". Since a new lunch option was a rare occurrence, several coworkers at Gadget, Inc. decided to try it for lunch today. The restaurant had many oriental dishes available but its main feature was a sushi bar...Determine the full name of each coworker and the three ingredients in each one’s favorite roll.
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Shift Changes
George, the manager of Lucy’s Bar & Grill, a popular restaurant just off the highway at the edge of Millersville, was having difficulty. He was working on the staff schedules for the following week. He had several staff on vacation or out sick so he had too many hours to fill and not enough people...Determine the full name of the full time employees that would be working double shifts, the day of the week each was scheduled for a double shift, and how long each had been working for Lucy’s Bar & Grill.
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New Car Day
Syd was excited – today was a great day! It was just after lunch and he’d already sold five cars! Syd Callahan was the head salesman at Millersville Auto, the biggest seller of new cars in Millersville. They carried cars from most major car manufacturers and were the closest dealership...Determine the full name of each buyer and the make and color of their newly purchased cars.
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Madame Simone
Madame Simone told fortunes at the Millersville Winter Fest this year. She spent the weekend in her colorful tent (with her feet warmed by a small heater under the table), hovering over a small table with candlelight flickering and dancing around the dim space. Before her on the table she spread her Tarot cards, predicting the futures of...Determine the full names of five of Madame Simone’s customers, what subject each asked her about, and what Major Arcana card was revealed to each customer.
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Winter Carnival
Last weekend was the Millersville Winter Fest! Every winter, the Millersville residents shake off the winter blues and go out to play in the snow together. The origins of the winter carnival are buried in the long-forgotten history of the town...Determine the full name of the five finalists for this year’s ice sculpture competition, the subject of each carving, and the final placement of each sculpture in the contest.
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New Year Babies
The Campton Hospital, the nearest hospital to the neighboring town of Millersville, was very busy on New Year’s Day this year. The normally quiet day featured the arrival of five new baby boys from families living in Millersville! Each couple was new to parenthood....Determine the full name of each couple, the first name given to each couple’s newborn, and the first name of each nurse caring for the mother and child on New Year’s Day.
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New Years Eve Traditions
Five couples realized, while conversing one evening at a friends’ dinner party, that every family has two sets of traditions during the holidays. One set of traditions are those of the community or religious beliefs....Determine the full names of each couple and the New Year’s Eve family tradition that each couple celebrates each year.
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Rush Hour Listening
Syd hated sitting in rush hour traffic. He saw it as a horrible waste of his time. To make the best use of his time, he listened to audio books in the car. He discovered that it was beneficial in two ways – he enjoyed listening to the stories and he arrived at work or home far less stressed. Traffic didn’t bother him as much anymore. If he had to sit in traffic, that was OK, he got to listen to more of the story!...Determine the book title, author, and category of each book he read and which he listened to on each day of the week.
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Kitten Litter
Cindy’s cat, Precious, had a litter of seven kittens last month. Cindy’s family decided that they would keep just two of the kittens and so reluctantly they found homes for the other five...Determine the full name of the kids who adopted the kittens, the color of each kitten, and the name each kitten received from their new pals.
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Movie Time
Main Street Flicks, the movie theater in Millersville often fondly referred to as the MSF, was showing five new movies this weekend that Sara’s kids really wanted to see. She tried to convince them to pick one and they’d all go together. But after three days of tearful debates and shouting matches, she gave up....Determine the name of each daughter and her friend, the time each went to see the movie, and the title of each movie.
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Jury Duty
Sally and four of her friends were all summoned for jury duty last week. Though they were called at the same time, each had to report to a different district courthouse...Determine the full name of each friend, what district each was summoned to, and which of them was assigned to a trial jury.
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Super Moon Lunar Eclipse
Last Sunday night, a super moon lunar eclipse occurred. Six friends, all amateur astronomers, were jubilant at the chance to see this rare phenomenon, which has only happened 6 times in the past 100 years! As it happened, these five friends all lived in a different region of the world...Determine the full name of each friend, where each lived, and what the weather was in each location.
NOTE: I took the inspiration for this month's puzzle from a real event that happened at the end of September - did you see the supermoon lunar eclipse?
Super Moon Lunar Eclipse (www.masslive.com)
Wikipedia - September 2015 Lunar Eclipse
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It's Football Season!
Fall’s here and excitement is starting to buzz in Millersville! Millersville’s own Meercats are playing their archrivals, the Campton Warriors from the next town over, in the first football game of the season this weekend. The rivalry between the two high schools is legendary....Determine the name and position for five of the offensive players in the starting line-up and what grade each player is in.
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Fruit Salad
Syd was feeling adventurous while cooking his supper one night. He decided that he needed more pizazz in his meals and to add a few more healthy foods to his diet. So he started eating a different fruit at breakfast each day with his bowl of cereal...Determine, for each day of the week, what fruit he ate with breakfast, what fruit and nut he added to his salad, and what kind of drink he had with supper.
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Batter Up
The Millersville Rockets played a terrific game of baseball last night with some truly phenomenal plays. Defense was strong throughout the game and succeeded in shutting out the opposing team, the Campton Muskrats. But it was the team’s batting performance that really stood out....Determine the full name of each batter, the defensive position each played, and what type of hit each batter made.
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Friday Night Karaoke
Hooray! It’s Friday night! Five coworkers from Gadget, Inc eagerly flocked to their next destination – Lucy’s Bar & Grill. Lucy’s was a popular after-work meeting place on the outskirts of Millersville near the highway...Determine the full names of each coworker, the song title each picked for Karaoke, which appetizer each ordered, and what time each left the bar.
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One Scoop or Two
On Friday afternoon, Bobby and his friends went to Big Scoops, Millersville’s favorite ice cream stand, for an afternoon ice cream cone. With 57 different flavors and 12 different topping options, choosing what to get was often a hard choice...Determine the name of each friend along with the two scoops of ice cream and the topping chosen by each friend.
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